
Writing goals and principles

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Writing goals and principles

At Castos, the words we write are used to...

Guide β†’ Direct customers toward their goals. Minimize cognitive load while maximizing readability.

Empower β†’ Inform and inspire our customers. Encourage them to make the most of our products.

Speak truth β†’ Focus on the goals of our customers instead of the product.

Add value β†’ Our customers should get more out of our products than they’re putting in.

We strive to write content that is...

Clear β†’ Use simple words and phrases. Tell them exactly what to do, or what happens next.

Useful β†’ Who is reading this and what do they need to know? Does it meet that need?

Friendly β†’ Read your text aloud. If you were talking to a friend or colleague, would it

sound the same? Grammar rules don’t apply if it makes your writing more relatable.

Authentic β†’ Be the expert, then write like one.

Simple β†’ Get rid of every excess word. Short sentences and punchy fragments are welcome.